Marco A. Garcia

Marco A. Garcia


CompTIA Security+ Certified

B.S. Computer Science

Bachelors in Computer Science from California State University, Chico

Current Position

Senior Software Engineer

Full Stack Developer

Experienced in both front-end and back-end web development

Some web frameworks I have used include Next.js, Django, and Flutter.

This site was built using NextJS!

Currently Employed

My current position title is: Senior Software Engineer at SAIC

No longer doing work for clients

Due to the nature of my current position, I am no longer taking on work for clients. This is to avoid what could appear to be a personal conflict of interest.

piggy bank

Not taking any clients

Your Website, Your Source Code

Some developers won't give you the source code to your website. When looking for someone to build your website make sure they give you your source code. If they say 'no' take your business elsewhere.

With access to your source code you can learn to maintain your site or hire somebody else for maintenance


Website Maintenance

Having a website is just the start. With tools and services constantly updating you need to maintain your site.

Here are our developers


Marco A. Garcia

Full Stack Developer

Grow your business!

More businesses are starting to realize the importance of an online presence. Not only does having a website boost your credibility as a legitimate business, it also allows you to make a strong impression on potential customers.

Build credibility for your business

With a well-developed website potential and current clients will take you more serious as a business.

Impress potential clients

Claim your own piece of the internet by having a website that will make a lasting impression on your current and future clients.

Gain an internet presence

Having a website lets customers find you online and builds more trust in your brand.